The Library will be closing at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 16 for a staff appreciation event.

High School Volunteer Application

High School Volunteer Application

The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
Please fill out entire application. Applications that are not complete will not be considered.
Library volunteer opportunities are limited and applying does not guarantee a volunteer position. Priority is given to St. Charles Public Library cardholders and returning volunteers.
For more information, please email Anna Johanson ([email protected]).

Grade in School(Required)
If applying for Summer Session, please put the grade you are going into
Were you previously a St. Charles Public Library Junior Friend in Youth Services?(Required)
Were you previously a High School Volunteer?(Required)
Are you volunteering to complete a service project or for school? (Example: National Honor Society)(Required)
Do you have a drivers licence?(Required)

Emergency Contact


I certify that the information submitted is correct(Required)
If under age 18, I have my parent/guardians permission to volunteer(Required)