Reading Programs 2024

Winter Reading 2024 Tuesday, January 2–Sunday, February 18
Play bingo and win prizes this winter! Sign up online using READsquared or get a paper bingo card from the library. You can also download and print a bingo card from home using the links below. READsquared is available as a downloadable app for iPhone and Android.
Kids (Birth – 8th grade)
Complete five activities in a row to earn a bingo. Each bingo earns you a raffle ticket for a Target gift card. Receive a prize for each of the first two bingos. Complete all 12 bingos and earn a book!
Adults and Young Adults
Play bingo for a chance to win a cozy reading prize bundle! Complete at least one line of bingo to be entered into the grand prize drawing. Each successive bingo increases your chance of winning the Cozy Reading Grand Prize Bundle (a gift certificate to Town House Books and a gift card to Arcedium Coffeehouse.)

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten
Learning to read begins long before kindergarten. Reading to your child is one of the best ways to boost their brainpower. Any child from birth to entering kindergarten can participate in this self-paced early literacy program.
Come into the Library to sign up and get a paper log. Check in at the Library when you finish a log and move your canoe up our pretend river. When you finish 1,000 books, you’ll receive a fun, musical prize!
If you read just one book per day, you will reach 1,000 before the child is three years old. Join us on this journey to help create a brighter future for your child.