Teacher Loan Form

Teacher Loan Form

Do you need books to go along with the themes your class will be working on this month? The Youth Services staff is happy to assist you in selecting materials for your classroom. Simply contact us with the topics of your choice at least three business days and no more than seven business days before you would like to pick up your loan*. We will select materials, check them out, and place them in a convenient bag to be picked up by you. Items are available for up to a three-week loan. Please use our form.
*Any request submitted after 8 p.m. on weekdays or after 5 p.m. Friday – Sunday may not be seen until the following weekday.
For more information, please email [email protected].

Type of materials to be included(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
If you are a D303 teacher would you like your items to be delivered?