Interlibrary Loan

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What is Interlibrary Loan?

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is an agreement between libraries throughout the United States to share materials by borrowing and lending to each other.  If an item is not available from our library or the SWAN consortium, we can try to borrow it for you from a library elsewhere in the country.


Who is eligible to use the Interlibrary Loan service?

All St. Charles Public Library cardholders. All other cardholders must go to their home library to make ILL requests.


What may be requested?

  • We will try to fill requests in a variety of formats including books, periodical articles, AV items, microfilm, etc.
  • eBook resources are not available, and libraries generally do not lend materials which have been published within the past six months. We will evaluate new item requests for our own collections.


Interlibrary Loan Details

You can initiate a request for an item in any of these ways:

  • Within the Library catalog expand your catalog search by choosing “In WorldCat*” from the dropdown menu. Click the link Request item through Interlibrary Loan and fill out the online form.
  • Alternately link to WorldCat Discovery. Click the link Request item through Interlibrary Loan and fill out the online form.
  • For further assistance please contact our Adult Reference Department.

We reserve the right to limit requests due to staffing and workload. We will notify you if a limit is required.

Allow at least two weeks for receipt of materials. If the Library can’t get an item, you will be notified.

  • Loan periods are determined by the lending library. Average loan periods are two to four weeks.
  • Some materials are restricted to in-library use only.
  • Photocopies are yours to keep. If an email is provided, we may send you an electronic copy.
  • Loan periods must be observed by the patron. Cost of the item may be billed for items more than 14 days overdue.  Abuse of ILL policies may result in the suspension of ILL borrowing privileges.

Yes, unless it has a “No Renewal” sticker on the item. Renewals are not automatic. Call or visit the Research and Reading Desk, or call ILL directly at (630) 828-6693 to renew your ILL items, pending lending library approval.

Items are held for you in the holds area.

The lending library determines the cost of replacing a lost item.  Some libraries charge flat rates up to $150 for lost or damaged items. You are responsible for paying the replacement cost assessed by the lending library as well as any processing costs.

Contact us for Assistance

Email Interlibrary Loan [email protected]; Phone ILL: (630) 828-6693 If you cannot reach ILL staff, Adult Services may help at 630-584-0076, ext. 1